The following policies have been adopted by the Filipino American Council of Greater Chicago (FACGC), in order to ensure a safe, positive, and healthy environment at the Rizal Center. The FACGC has the right to amend any and all policies, as warranted. Additional policies may be added as circumstances warrant.
If you have any questions, please contact Contact Us.
Zero-tolerance Policy
The health, safety, and well-being of every patron utilizing the Rizal Center is our primary objective. Respect for our Rizal Center staff, volunteers, patrons, and the facility is paramount.
The Rizal Center is a family-based facility and shall enforce a zero-tolerance policy with regard to negative participant conduct while on-site, including, but not limited to, smoking, profanity, rowdy or disruptive behavior, fighting, mischief, and alcohol/drug/or other substance use or possession. The Rizal Center staff shall be the sole judge of what constitutes negative conduct and behavior covered by this policy and will involve the Chicago Police Department when necessary.
Closures and Cancellations
In the event of severe winter weather, the Rizal Center manager will determine by 3 pm if that evening’s activities are occurring as planned. If you have not heard of a cancellation by 3 pm, ALL programs and facility operations will occur as scheduled.
In the event that severe winter weather is expected to last through the night and into the next day, the Rizal Center manager will make a determination by 7 pm for cancellation of the next day’s programs and facility operations. If you have not heard of a cancellation by 7 pm, all programs and facility operations will occur as scheduled. Changes to the Rizal Center hours and cancellation of programs may be found on the organization’s website at and emails will be sent to those registered to receive Rizal Center information.
By the City of Chicago ordinance we do not allow smoking within or outside the Rizal Center or anywhere on Rizal Center grounds.

Maintenance Days
The Rizal Center will block off dates for necessary repairs or maintenance of areas/equipment usually during non-peak times.
Lost and Found
All items turned in will be date tagged. Valuable items will be turned over to the Chicago Police Department after seven days and all other items will be donated after 30 days of the tag date.
Early Closure
Staff shall have the discretion to close the facility in case of a building emergency or inclement weather. Information will be posted on the organization’s website,
Hold Harmless and Indemnification
Space users shall indemnify and hold harmless the Filipino American Council of Greater Chicago from any and all damage, loss, or liability of any kind whatsoever occasioned upon and/or within the rented/sponsored premises, or ways, walks, or concourse adjacent thereto, by reason of any injury or property of third persons occasioned by any act or omission, neglect, or wrongdoing of the Space User or any of his/her and/or its officers, agents, representatives, assigns, guests, employees, invitees, or other person admitted and/or invited by the Space User to the premises, and the Space User will at his/her and/or its own cost and expense, defend and protect the Filipino American Council of Greater Chicago against any and all such claims or demands. The Space User further agrees to exercise due care in the preservation of the premises and to prevent loitering and the presence of unauthorized persons during all usage periods.
Classes and Programs Cancellation Policy
A full refund will be given when the FACGC cancels a program or a participant requests to drop a class at least 24 hours before the first class. The FACGC reserves the right to cancel, change or combine programs at any time. Refunds are not available for donations.
Statement of Non-Discrimination and Harassment
The Filipino American Council of Greater Chicago advocates a positive culture of inclusion and respect for the dignity of each individual. BID opposes all forms of discrimination against and harassment on the basis of an individual’s race, age, religion, creed, color, ancestry, citizenship, national or ethnic origin, language preference, immigration status, disability, medical condition, military or veteran status, social or socioeconomic status or condition, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or any other classification protected by applicable local, state or federal law. This policy applies to visitors and participants to the FACGC’s Rizal Center, FACGC volunteers, staff, speakers, program mentors, facilitators, exhibitors, or event venue staff at any FACGC event, activity, or meeting.
No person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which they are otherwise eligible. Employees, volunteers, and the families of employees or volunteers can be served in FACGC programs as long as they meet eligibility requirements for a program; such individuals shall not receive preference over other individuals eligible for a program nor be discriminated against because of being a FACGC employee, volunteer, or family member of an employee or volunteer.
Harassment-Free FACGC Reporting Process
If you have been subjected to or witnessed a violation of the FACGC’s Non-Discrimination and Harassment Policy, the FACGC encourages you to report the incident. If you are unsure of how to report, the FACGC’s executive trustee can help you get to the right place. If you feel that you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call 911 or contact the FACGC executive trustee.
If you are not sure if you want to make a report, participants and visitors are still entitled to receive confidential and free emotional support from the FACGC. Patrons and visitors who wish to report an incident of harassment can contact the FACGC Executive Trustee.
Prohibited Behavior
The FACGC prohibits any form of harassment, sexual or in other forms, as set forth in its Non-Discrimination and Harassment Policy (above).
Accordingly, some behaviors are specifically prohibited, whether directed at other members, patrons, visitors, attendees, FACGC sponsors, funders, staff, volunteers, speakers, facilitators, mentors, exhibitors, or event venue staff.
Unacceptable behaviors include: intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning conduct by any attendees at the event and related event activities. Discussion of opposing or different viewpoints is appropriate but is expected to be conducted in respectful tone and manner that avoids personal attacks. FACGC defines harassment to include: offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin, gender identity, or disability; inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces (including presentation slides); deliberate intimidation, stalking, or unwelcome following; harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of talks or other events; and unwelcome physical contact or sexual attention. In assessing whether following, physical conduct or sexual attention violates this policy, FACGC will consider both whether the conduct was subjectively unwelcome to the recipient and whether the alleged violator had a reasonable, objective basis to believe the conduct was invited.
Sexual harassment specifically refers to verbal, physical, or visual conduct of a sexual nature that is unwelcome and offensive to the recipient, such that it impairs the recipient’s ability to fully participate, enjoy, or engage in the FACGC event. By way of example, sexual harassment may include such conduct as unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances, or propositions; unwelcome verbal comments or physical actions of a sexual nature; sexually degrading words used to describe an individual; an unwelcome display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures; sexually explicit jokes; and offensive, unwanted physical contact such as patting, pinching, grabbing, groping, or constant brushing against another’s body.
Prohibited harassment also includes physical or verbal abuse, intimidation, threats, efforts to annoy others, harassment, stalking, pushing, shoving, or use of any physical force whatsoever against any person, which creates a disturbance that is disruptive or dangerous, or creates reasonable apprehension in a person.
Members, patrons, attendees, or other event participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.
As at any event held at the Rizal Center, or FACGC-sponsored event, the FACGC reserves the right to remove any participant whose social attentions become unwelcome to another and who persists in such attention after their unwelcome nature has been communicated. The FACGC also reserves the right to remove or exclude any participant or attendee who appears inebriated or under the influence and who engages in conduct that interferes with the ability of other participants to participate in and enjoy the event.
The Rizal Center currently offers open Wi-Fi.
Outside Food/Beverage Policy
- Water bottles, individual beverages, and single-serving snack items will be allowed in the building.
- No coolers, outside beverages, or glass containers shall be allowed in the Rizal Center. Alcohol is prohibited at rental events.
- Outside food will be allowed in the building.
Common Areas/Overall Building Policies
- All children 17 years of age and under are required to have an authorized adult (18 years or older) in the facility at all times. Exceptions may be if the participant is involved in an organized activity.
- Organized meetings in common areas are only permitted if organized through the Rizal Center.
- Parties/gift openings or cake/cupcakes are not allowed in common areas.
- For safety reasons, we do not allow glass containers, unless authorized through the Rizal Center staff.
- No overnight personal storage will be permitted in the building.
- A photo ID is required for checking out building equipment. The exchange of valuables for equipment is not accepted.
- Fundraising events for non-profit organizations are allowed. (Requires a special use permit.)
- All donations will become the property of the Filipino American Council of Greater Chicago.
- The Rizal Center reserves the right to deny admission to anyone who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance.
- The Filipino American Council of Greater Chicago and its personnel, are not responsible for items lost, stolen, left on site, or left in vehicles.
- Service animals specifically trained to perform support tasks are welcome in the Rizal Center.
Questions or concerns about our policies?
Send us a message and we will be happy to address your concerns.